drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Kill Your Parent's Music, Part II....

You knew it was going to happen one of these days, in the dangerous world of Crazy CoWorkers....

In this nightmare case, the new mother who has just come back to work, is all excited about the happy bubbly music that the Disney Crew has for their Happy Bubbly Family Cartoon Movies - like Mullan....

While one of the older women, who's children are old enough to know that DISNEY is a Satanic Godless Corporation who sends out secret Subliminal God Hating America Bashing Propoganda in their Demonic Devil Worthipping Propoganda that is fobbed off as Happy Bubbly Family Cartoon Movies - like Mullan; play those movies over, and over, and over and over and over and over and over again, as a Part of the Overall Godless Demonic Nancy Pelosi Controlled Evil Voodoo Zombie Dust Bunnies of Despair Main Force Assault on our White Christian America with the sinister silly Kill Your Parents with this Purple Dinesaur Who's Name Can Not Be Mentioned or Grown Persons turn into Zombies, and would be hunted down, save that the evil liberals have excess governmental regulation of the Zombie Hunting Industry.....

Ah yes.... and now back to more traditional Kill Your Parent Music like trance, since it does not cause the sort of violence between the co-workers.....

Technology is Your Friend, and X Industries is Making America Safe For Technology!!!!

Are YOU doing your part to Privatize Zombie Hunting????

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