drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

UnHoly Black Robed Judicial Tyrants Gone Wild....

A federal appeals court upheld former Gov. George Ryan's racketeering and fraud conviction Tuesday and refused to grant him a new trial in the biggest political scandal to rock Illinois in decades.

Attorneys on both sides were left trying to determine if the 73-year-old former governor, once the state's most powerful Republican, would now have to report to prison immediately.

[ cf Former governor's corruption conviction stands ]
But will the President pardon him???

Will the Patriotic Prayer Warriors Warrier Prayers for Him???

What will save america from this growing threat that the Radical Left Wing Extremists wish to raise the mere laws of mortal men above the Divine Will!!!

Can this be anything MORE than the sort of Ongoing Persecution of White Christian America by the Radical Extremists Pro-Al-Qaeda Gay HomoZeXual Pirate Zombie Canadianists...

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