drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Now the Democrats are in for it

This morning's announcement that Washington super-lobbyist Jack Abramoff has reached a plea bargain deal with the Justice Department has reporters salivating over what they hint is going to be a Republican mega-scandal.

But it turns out that the most prominent player in Abramoff's web of influence was reportedly none other than the Senate's top Democrat, Harry Reid.

In a little-noticed story in November, The Associated Press revealed that Reid had accepted tens of thousands of dollars from an Abramoff client, the Coushatta Indian tribe, after interceding with Secretary of the Interior Gail Norton over a casino dispute with a rival tribe.

[ cf NewsMax ]
Ok, so thaty had to look around for an obscure little noticed article back in november to come up with the most likely person who needs to worry about Abramoff following in the Foot Steps of Former Senator Lt. Col. Ollie North (ret) who decided that in the face of superior fire power the best thing to do is roll over and find an accomodation....

Granted of course the freaks at NewsMax avoid mentioning WHICH obsure little noticed story they found it in.

But at least it helps explain why the echo chamber was echoing over the long holiday as they try to get organized to deal with which ever was going to be the current crisis the government would fumble into and/or through. At least now we know. It's the Fault of Those Damn Liberals!

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