drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

get the 411 on the hot new bling bling in BuzzPhrases

The New Buzz is:
Child Maltreatment
as in
A U.S. Army-sponsored study finds that children of enlisted soldiers are more likely to be abused or neglected when a parent is deployed to a combat zone.

The findings point to the need for more support services at home, the study authors said.

"The practical implication is that child maltreatment incidents are much more likely to occur during soldier deployments than during other times, and this really underlines the necessity of formal and informal support for parents who are going through this," said Deborah A. Gibbs, lead author of the study and a senior analyst with the Children and Families Program at RTI International in Research Triangle Park, N.C. "Our findings really put a number on the extent of the problem and suggest the areas in which supports are most necessary."

The study is published in the Aug. 1 issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association, a theme issue on violence and human rights.

[ cf Child Maltreatment Rises in Homes of Soldiers Sent to War ]

Remind me again why it is that the Pro-War Crowd is still sitting on it's face here in the rear with the beer???

What exactly is it that gets them all rock hard about being more at war than ever before....

Or is that whole pro-life stance, well, a bit flacid in the breach....

What if there were greater needs than mere bumper sticker rhetoric can back up???
Tags: religion, war

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