drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

That christianist problem


What if we lived in a post-911 world where every where around us there were terrorist thugs bent upon the destruction of our White Christian America.... Oh yeah, and there is also that amusement, namely, that when a Christinaist Terrorist gets nabbed, such as the recent case of the Jerry Falwell Defender, who got pinched by the Feds for having Explosives that he planned to use against anyone counter demonstrating at the Funeral of Jerry Fallwell, eg: Phelps and crew, this was NOT the BIG BOOGA BOOGA SCARY NEWS that reverberates in the NeoCon Echo Chamber....

So if we adopt the policy posturing of the Fighting 101st Keyboardists, and their Ilk, we of course must start with the Presumption that until proven innocent beyond a shadow of a doubt, any of THEM are clearly the terrorist threat to US, because they are THEM, and not US. Since one is either FOR US, or AGAINST US, and there is no middle ground.

We then notice that all of the "Dominionists", and their friends, have been explaining for years that the Real America is based upon the Biblical Literalism, and the 10 Commandments, hence the US Constitution EITHER supports the "but there is only one god, and all others are blasphemers, apostates, Kaffir, Devil Worshippers" OR the US Constitition is a Threat that Must be Stopped. We have watched them talk as 'christianists' for years now making it clear that the actual american history that the actual american founding fathers actually lived should not be used to Prevent the More Appropriate History that would have been more Christianist IF it had been the American History....

We can go over all sorts of ground there, but let us cut to the short Skids.....

They are Christianists UNLESS, and ONLY UNLESS, they can prove that they are NOT Christianists.

This is one of the reasons that I have raised the question from time to time
Can An American Be A Christian?
Since to be a 'biblical literalists' who is willing to fully fulfill all of the Biblical Literalism, then can such a person allow a Satanic Verse such as the US Constitution, with its alledged allowance of 'religious tolerance'....

And yes, for the slow readers, in a Pre-911 Culture, the decision to Destroy The US Constitution was once upon a time considered, well, gosh, an Act Of High Treason....

But as we all know, in the post 911 Kultur Kampf, well, we must do the interesting things that must be done to keep, well, which ever faction we back, back....

So yes, how exactly DO the Christianists wish to argue which ARE the positions that they want us to fully believe that they are being Truthier about? How are we suppose to Know that some of them may not be as literal, and as truthful about their desires to destroy the Free Republic and replace it with their Theocracy....
Tags: religion, they_did_what, war

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