That is who Pajamas Media cited as the source for its "forgery" story.I mean, really, which side is this Pajama Media Freakdom on???
Just contemplate the deep shame and sense of remorse that a normal, healthy person would feel after spewing that kind of venom at people, including a former Green Beret, who were completely right. But they don't. Like the brilliant pundits whose every proclamation about the Iraq war turned out to be false yet who still parade around as proud and pompous experts, right-wing bloggers continuously hurl accusations like this and then, when proven wrong, simply move on to the next accusatory orgy without any real acknowledgment of wrongdoing or apology.
[ cf Right-wing blogger geniuses expose another journalistic fraud! ]
A h/t to Jesus's General for I've got Ace's back....
What will the Fighting 101st Keyboardist do if Iraq falls to the Iraqi???