drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Why DOES my daughter hate america...

A snippet from an email exchange
if you haven't read V for Vendetta yet, or seen the movie, i highly suggest both, the movie is good in its own right, hell i'm slightly suprised its even allowed out, but if you read the book its just that much better, you get more of it, especially little details X3, and i would honestly slap anyone who says the movie isn't like the book or is a terrible portraial, its fucking awesome and should be treated as an AU (alternate universe if ya don't know to term) and a very good tribute to the comic and a more modern approch.... its got the heart and soul of the original with a little bit more modern style, a rarity in film that is actually as good as its predacesor (der, i don't think i spelled that right??)
An alternative world....


interesting take on V for vendetta's twin lives....

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