It appears that one of the NeoConHarpies is in a bit more Trouble, but this one I had not heard of, but of course when one gets to the
Well, well, well. Via Romenesko, we learn that one of our favorite fact-free Righty screechers has gotten herself permanently locked out in the yard over at The News Hour with Jim Lehrer. The clip in question is posted above, and frankly, for Morgan (whose rancor and biliousness are all the way off the charts on a good day), I think it's pretty mild. All she did was serially interrupt and talk over Iraq War veteran John Soltz to accuse him undermining the troops and call him a cheerleader for Al Qaeda. Is that such a crime?I mean, get real here folks, who is one going to trust?
[ cf Melanie Morgan Permanently Banned From “The News Hour” ]
Some whackJob who couldn't get a Dishy Job as an UnderAge Play Toy For the Cool NeoCons, and instead wound up in Iraq? Or some Seasoned War Hero Like Melanie Morgan who has every day, in some new way, be more Herorically Patriotically, and theologically, Corrector Than Thou, EVER!!!