drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Those Damn Liberals.... (That Lawyer Thing)

Shock, Shock, Shock...
World Bank President Paul Wolfowitz, under investigation by the bank's board of directors, hired Robert Bennett, an attorney who represented former President Bill Clinton against sexual harassment claims.

Wolfowitz retained Bennett, a partner at Skadden, Arps, Slate, Meagher & Flom LLP, a day after the board on April 20 set up a group to probe the World Bank chief's decision to give his companion a pay increase.

[ cf Wolfowitz Hires Ex-Clinton Lawyer as Board Mulls Fate (Update2) ]
But More Importantly, will we get to get all of the salacious details that go with a Democratic Blow Job....

Or are we going to get Colour Commentary From Allen Greenspan on this one?

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