drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Must Bong Canada..... ( The Libyan Mediation )

Oh My GOD!!!! Talk about the Brutal And Vicious Main Force Assault on Our Benevolent American Hegomonoy:
Chad and Sudan have formed a joint military committee as part of efforts to end a border conflict, a Libyan mediator said on Tuesday after talks between officials of the two countries in the Libyan capital.

Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi has taken the lead in trying to broker peace between Chad and Sudan, which have traded accusations for months about turmoil on their desert frontier.

"The gathering here was successful because it was concluded by the creation of a joint military and high security committee, which will hold its first meeting in Khartoum on May 1," Ali Triki, Libya's envoy on Chad and Sudan, told Reuters.

[ cf Chad and Sudan set up border military body - Libya ]
HELP!!!! Libyans Brokering Peace!!!!

It is one of the Well Know 23 lesser O-Rings Of The Apocalypse!!!
Tags: bong_canada, bong_hitz_4_jesus

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