The coach of the Rutgers University women's basketball team took a positive approach Tuesday to the Don Imus racial insult scandal, calling on Americans to look closely at the players the radio host derided as "nappy-headed hos" and see them for the human beings they are.I Mean, SHOCK! SHOCK! SHOCK!!!
"These young ladies before you are valedictorians, future doctors, musical prodigies," coach Vivian Stringer told a televised news conference a day after the uproar over Imus' comments led to a two-week suspension of his show.
"These young ladies are the best this nation has to offer and we are so very fortunate to have them at Rutgers. They are young ladies of class, distinction. They are articulate. They are gifted," she said.
Rutgers president Richard McCormick was more critical, calling Imus's words despicable, unconscionable and deeply hurtful to the players, students and their families.
"We cannot stand in silence and let these young women be unfairly attacked," McCormick said. "They did nothing to invite the words that Don Imus used."
[ cf Rutgers basketball team weigh in on Don Imus racial comment ]
Why aren't these womyn serving in the Ground Combat Units we so desperately Need to Keep On Keeping On The Staying Of The Course that will Stay And Course!!!
But do folks actually look at the real issue here, in this brutal assault on our White Christian America!!! Where These Radical Extremists want to allow Special Rights To Civilians!!! Do We REALLY WANT to give Special Rights To Civilians as if they were on the same footing as Real People!!!!