In a report issued in February, the Texas affiliate of the National Rifle Association joined the American Civil Liberties Union of Texas and the Texas Criminal Justice Coalition “to spotlight unlawful, unnecessary governmental encroachment on average law-abiding citizens.”Oh Yeah, now that is a Crew I ALWAYS expect to hop in bed and admit to their latent heterosexual activities....
The report, “Above the Law: How Texas prosecutors are placing their own judgment over that of the Legislature and the law of the land,” found that district and county attorneys had instructed police officers to “unnecessarily” interrogate drivers and arrest them or take their weapons, “even if they are legally carrying the gun.”
[ cf Unusual Allies in a Legal Battle Over Texas Drivers’ Gun Rights ]
Yeah, Go Team Go!!! The Left Wing Gun Grabbers of the NRA, whom, as everyone knows, DOES NOT SUPPORT THE DIVINE RIGHT TO CARRY RPG's AND OTHER ANTI-TANK/ANTI-AIRCRAFT weapons, because as gun grabbing liberals they do not support the need for self defense, and are not too sure which parts of an aircraft would be edible... But I digress...
I mean, what is the World Coming To When Radical Left Wing Extremists Shrill Hysterical Types Like The NRA and the ACLU are opposing the Valiant Fighting Forces who are at this very moment trying to keep americans defenseless and at the mercy of Rent_A_Warrior Corporations...
OR is it the other way around, that the Jack Booted Thuggery that has Always been the Texas Way of Policing is under Brutal And Repressive Fire From Thee Left Wing Shrill Hysterical Radical Elites who Hate Bush and do not favor the Enhanced Divine Rights that Make Keeping America American The Only True Biblical Standard...
Gosh, golly, gee Whiz...
What IS a boy to do these days....
There Are Demonic Forces, In League with the Satanic Nancy Pelosi Evil Voodoo Zombie Dust Bunnies Of Despair Doing Bong Hitz 4 Jesus, and they are Rampant Everywhere simply because the Valiant Fighting Forces of the 101st Fighting Keyboardists were stabbed in the Back by the Shrill And Hysterical Leftist Leaning Evil Liberal Media at Fox News....
Yeah that's the Ticket, it's all about the Out of Control Gay HomoZeXual Canadianists Pirates who are making everything So Crazy These Days...