drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Got A Recess Appointment For The Troops?

Hum... This Just In
Troops who lose promised time at home between war deployments or are overextended in war zones would be compensated with administrative leave — and might be given the option to sell what they don’t or can’t use back to the government — if one of two plans under consideration is approved, defense officials said Apr. 5.

Defense Secretary Robert Gates has been weighing both options for the past two days. A decision is imminent and likely will come some time in the next few days, defense officials said.

[ cf You could be compensated for deploying early ( emphasis mine) ]

If the US Military can not round up enough of the Great American War Heroes Hiding In America To Protect US from Nancy Pelosi, Then the Military may offer some dropped cash as a compensation....


Got To Be Most Impressive...
Tags: war

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