drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

What Does Victory Mean?

Assuming that we can believe the evil liberal media reports that the President has some sense of responsibility about getting into ThatIraqiThingiePoo, does anyone know what the evil libreal media means when they report
"We cannot and will not leave Iraq until victory is achieved," he said.
Does the token victory have any semantically evaluable content?

Or is this merely a bad drag remake of Elizabeth Taylor's classic line:
Brick: Win what? What is, uh, the victory of a cat on a hot tin roof?
Maggie: Just stayin' on it, I guess. As long as she can.

[ cf cat on a hot tin roof + victory ]
And therefore what the president is saying is that there is currently no plan at all to ever leave iraq - PERIOD.

Should we worry if the President starts doing Dorothy in his drag routine?

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