drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Know Your God Hating America Bashers....

Ok, first up we have:
In light of current goings-on, it’s almost laughable — and also dispiriting — to recall how President Bush and incoming Democratic Congressional leaders vowed just months ago to heed the voters’ 2006 call for bipartisan cooperation.

In his State of the Union address, Bush said — can anyone remember this? — that “our citizens don’t care which side of the aisle we sit on, as long as we are willing to cross that aisle when there is work to be done.”

[ cf Stalemate Over Funds for War Would Hurt Troops and Politicians (Emphasis Mine) ]
Remind me again, is "date rape" still cool for college republicans dodging the war while hiding out on the nation's college campus'??? Or What?

Ok, so I find it humourouse that some folks are still hoping that "bipartisan" is a simple synonmym for "date Rape"....

Then there is the Comedy in their poseur posture, that in the how many years since the mission accomplished dance, the Current Administration has failed to abandon the failed Klintonesta Policy of "emergency funding measures" as their excuse of why the current regime can not figure out what the Department Of Defense will need to spend this year, both at home and abroad, to make them the Big Hot "Battle Cry" Christianists Marketting Scheme....

As for the Fun of worrying about the troop needs, GOSH, isn't it a bit late in the game to start using the actual needs of the troops as an excuse for why there needs to be this ongoing fiscal fiasco???

Then there is
I am pleased to have joined with the majority of my Republican colleagues to oppose this bill.

Among the pork added to attract votes was more than 200 million dollars to the dairy industry, 74 million for peanut farmers, and 25 million dollars for spinach farmers. Also, the bill included more than two billion dollars in unconstitutional foreign aid, including half a billion dollars for Lebanon and Eastern Europe.

[ cf Pork barrel spending for the war in Iraq ]
Ah Yes, the HORROR of the Pork Barrel Prorjects...

Gosh, this also has the Angst aabout 'micro-management of the war'.... WOW!!! and in the same rant....

WOW!!! but no critical angst about why NOW is pork-barrelling the war, well, gosh, suppose to be a Bad Thing!!! Nor for that matter is there all that much concern about, gosh, why suddenly, and majikally, the needs of Veterans should be a part of the process of working out why the on going Emergency Funding for That Iraqi Thingie Pooh were an issue....

Could it be that some folks are still hoping that majikally The Divinity Of Dubya is going to Unfurl It's Bat Wings and go after the Unbelievers... You Know, for the troops....

Or is this just more of the same old "Bong Hitz 4 Jesus" crisis that has been wandering around as those who are still in the rear work desperately to explain how come Tom "No Retreat, No Surrender" DeLay, well, gosh lost his fight with unReal Objects, and the nation has been CRUSHED by the Satanic Nancy Pelosi Demonic Voodoo Zombie Dust Bunnies Of Despair Doing Bong Hitz 4 Jesus... Gosh, weren't these members of the fighting 101st Keyboardists hiding in the rear as a Grand Strategic Reserve PRECISELY to keep Nancy Pelosi Out of Power???

Ah Yes...

Intersting how it is always in times of desperate need, that the NeoConClownCarCrew decides that it has always majikally been on the side of the veteran's Community... But NORMALLY that is to support a Tax Cut.... Well Why not move it on down the lane and support the Ending Of Failed Welfare State Items needed solely because Hanoi Annie Coulter, and her fan club, need to be MORE at war, because, well, anything else, would mean that they would have to deal with their Anger AT GOD, because God Did Not Give Them a Penis...


Why not just whine some more about why we must keep on keeping on so as to stop those Nancy Pelosi Folks, who were accidently put in power because all americans Support Date Rape as the Viable Meaning of "bipartisan", when all other recourses of Finding HanoiAnnie Coulter's Penis Have So Tragically, and Bloodily FAILED!!!
Tags: bong_hitz_4_jesus, religion, war

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