On the March 27 edition of his nationally syndicated radio program, Rush Limbaugh claimed that Attorney General Alberto R. Gonzales, "the first Hispanic-American attorney general -- a minority" is "under fire by white liberal racists in the Senate." In fact, Gonzales' handling of the U.S. attorney firings has been criticized by lawmakers of both parties, and his actions have been censured by the Senate's only African-American and by one of its three Hispanic members.WOW Dude, Like The Colours...
[ cf Limbaugh: Gonzales is "under fire by white liberal racists in the Senate" ]
Is it just me, or is there something just totally stoner about the Nice Defenders of the Civil Rights Movement defending Poor Picked On Minority Person who has been the champion for ending any rule of law in america because, well, gosh the Divinity Of Dubya is beyond question, so who cares who gets tortured or detained, since, well gosh, that is the way of the Most Holiest Of Holy Crusades....
Or is Rush just having one of those Prescription Drug Shopping Moment, and he too will get a chance to work out his whole, "I want to be Britany Spears, as she is sooo Purty as the Anti-Christ, and Folks just do not take me seriously as the Anti-Christ any morer....."
Ah yes, the rule of law, that Evil Liberal Thingie Pooh, from the time before the Great Event!!! When all knew that the Argument from Intelligent Design had dictated the Divinity of Dubya, or was that the second attack on the world trade center, oh well, which ever.... Since gosh, those Liberals are Bad People, who are the Lynch Mobs by wanting to raise up the Law of Man over the Law of God...
{ scary part, read the rest of the article, and notice what other Talking Heads are trying to Move that Freak Show Talking Point around.... }
or has the media just decided that the demand curve sucks and it is so clearly time to keep on Toking and getting in all of those bong hitz 4 jesus moment, or they could lose the profit margins in the Stoner Weed Market...