drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

More Demonic Book Reviews...

Hey kids, if you are following the Orr v. Dennet, I should impose upon you to follow off to A Mission to Convert is presented by Orr, in the New York Book Review, and it deals with more than merely Dawkin's Book...

Ok, so I love cranks like
Instead, Dawkins has written a book that's distinctly, even defiantly, middlebrow. Dawkins's intellectual universe appears populated by the likes of Douglas Adams, the author of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, and Carl Sagan, the science ...
( op cit )
I Mean who can be more Pedantic A Pedagogical Wing Nut than to look down on both Douglas Adams AND Carl Sagan....

And that without once advocating a clear and compelling support for the Divinity of Dubya as the argument from intelligent Design, which, as we all know, was filled out in Triplicate, found, lost, found, buried in a Peat Bog, where Billions and Billions of Stars looked down lovingly on it, before the BugBlatterBeastOfTrall farted it into the IntellectualSphere to become the Meme Du Jure, well the competing meme to "Bong Hits 4 Jesus" and other critical War Winning Wonders...
Tags: religion, war

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