drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Yes, Kampfrs there is a Satanic Vampire Candidate....

Some days those Freaks at MoJoWire Worry Me, but here it is:
The candidate in question is Jonathon 'The Impaler' Sharkey, and he is running as the only self-described satanic vampire candidate who has so far entered the 2008 race.

Sharkey's pledge to impale President Bush, he makes clear, will only come into effect if he is actually elected to office.

But that has still triggered action by the Secret Service, who say they have a duty to investigate any threats against the president. Sharkey, 42, says that agents from the service visited him at home with his 19-year-old wife, Spree, to investigate his impaling pledge.

Sharkey told The Columbia Chronicle about the visit: 'They were telling me, when they were interrogating me, that their job was to protect Bush even after he's out of office. I'm looking at them like, “Oh, you're going to defy me when I become president?”'

[ cf 'Impaler' pledges to impale Bush ]
Ok, So I have to ask....

Do all vampire candidates still have an obligation of fielty to Transylvania???

or like are they their own Impalers???

Oh Hell, Bomb Canada, it might just make more sense some how...
Tags: bomb_canada

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