drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Speaking Of that Morality ThingiePooh....

One does have to wonder where are all of the Great VOCHAS war heroes, who wold be on active duty, so that the US Armed Forces could reject Womyn, Gays, Immigrants, and, well, you know the UnterMenschen....

Could it be that the VOCHAS were "smart" enough to expect
A quarter of all veterans treated at VA hospitals after returning home from the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan brought mental health problems back with them, reported investigators here.

When psychosocial and behavioral problems were thrown into the mix, nearly a third of all veterans of Afghanistan and Iraq who sought care at VA facility had a diagnosis of a mental-health-related disorder, reported Karen H. Seal, M.D., M.P.H., from the University of California San Francisco, and the San Francisco VA, and colleagues.

Explain to patients who ask that this and other studies have consistently found that one-fourth to one-third of veterans of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan return home with mental health problems, including post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

And more than half of the returning vets who had a mental health diagnosis were found to have two or more mental health disorders, the investigators wrote in the March 12 issue of the Archives of Internal Medicine.

[ cf A Quarter of Iraq and Afghanistan Vets Show Mental Health Problems ]
So they, well Gosh, were really going to be waiting for that True Sign Of GOD that this time, well gosh, they would really have to get up off their butts and into the Game.

You know, follow their Rhetorical Posture into at least doing their own torturing, and well, maybe even the greater risk of getting outside of the compounds to go and slaughter the women and children, wounded people, and Old Men.... I mean who am I to want to Oblige the VOCHAS to follow their rhetorical posture into say an actual combat unit where they would have to deal with an armed opposition...

But gosh, we do have those problems.....


Gays, or people who like to murder and torture, one of these groups has ethical/morality issues....

What would it be like to live in an america where americans understood that there is no need to debate how much torturing and murdering of unarmed civilians is acceptable to the Machavellianist Christianists....
Tags: religion, war

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