WASHINGTON - Democratic leaders are stripping from a military spending bill for the war in Iraq a requirement that President Bush gain approval from Congress before moving against Iran.Ah yes, for those Halcyon Days...
House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (news, bio, voting record), D-Calif., and other leaders agreed to remove the requirement concerning Iran after conservative Democrats as well as other lawmakers worried about its possible impact on Israel, officials said Monday.
The overall bill — which requires that the withdrawal of U.S. combat troops from Iraq by Sept. 1, 2008, if not earlier — remained on schedule for an initial test vote Thursday in the House Appropriations Committee.
[ cf Dems abandon war authority provision ( emphasis Mine ) ]
Back when there was no need to PUT INTO SPENDING BILLS that american law was the law in america....
Ah yes, and to think that once upon a time, american law was the law in america irregardless of which overseas Theocracy held an issue...
WOW..... What a Seriously Long Strange Trip IT HAS BEEN!!!!!
But this is SO clearly not the traditional family values of the Classical And Canonical Greatful Dead...