drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

how little things change...

Marking George Washington's 275th birthday, President Bush on Monday linked the ideals of the first president to the war being fought by the 43rd, saying Washington's goals guided the nation's quest to extend freedom beyond its borders.

"George Washington's long struggle for freedom has ... inspired generations of Americans to stand for freedom in their own time," Bush said, using a morning visit to Mount Vernon to draw on the similarities of the dilemmas faced at the birth of the nation and the troubles with which he is now wrestling.

"Today, we're fighting a new war to defend our liberty and our people and our way of life," he said. "And as we work to advance the cause of freedom around the world, we remember that the father of our country believed that the freedoms we secured in our revolution were not meant for Americans alone."

[ cf Bush: 1st George W. endured similar war woes ]
Ah yes....

This explains why George Washington Accidentally tried to restore the wetlands in Iran....
Tags: war

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