drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Spot The Iranianists

Well boys and girls, did you spot the Iranianists in the Evil Liberal Media????

For those of you who are not sure, let us look at the HORROR of yesterday's Evil Iranianist Propoganda that the Evil Liberal Media Meat Puppets were spewing on behalf of their Evil Iranian Pay Masters!!!!

There was the Shooting In Utah, which was so unsure, and no one was clear on why or how it happened.

Then there was the Shooting In Pennsylvanian, and again the same Evil Iranianists Propoganda Line!!!

Rather than Point out the Clearly, Intuitively Obvious, that the Bombing In Algeria, and the attacks in america were all a part of the Ongoing Iranian Flying Saucer Attacks, and that they were Attacking Inside of America Again precisely because there are people who are unwilling to Support the Greatest Military Leader EVER!!!! In his Most Holyiest Of All Holy Crusades Against All Monsters Everywhere!!!

And thus the Evil Iranianists Are Unmasked as the Demonic Force That They ARE!!!

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