drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

got Courts?

One really does have to wonder why we are wasting all of this time and money on failing to convict mere political dissedents, when we could just as easily allow the Great Leader to unilaterally use his special powers as a war president, and his zel miller laser death ray eyes, to simply seek out and destroy all evil dissenters who are not supporting the president as much a they should....

One case is still in flight:
Editor’s note: Despite spending an estimated $80 million, the government was unable to prove that Dr. Sami Al-Arian was a terrorist, yet he remains in prison and his sentence will likely be extended. Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Chris Hedges warns that the abusive imprisonment of this nonviolent Palestinian dissenter does not bode well for the rest of us.
[ cf The Road Map to Despotism ]
I mean why did they even bother sending this person through a court system where there would be a jury trial???

Why not have the Divine Will Decided By The Divine Decider????

That would have saved the tax payers the cost, and would have speedily and fairly followed the clear and compelling argument from intelligent design through to the logical conclusion that evil doers must be punished for not supporting the Great Leader!!!

All Hail Great Leader!!!

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