drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

More Reasons To Bomb Canada ( The D'Souza Crisis.... )

For those of you who have not noticed the new whine that the real reason that there was the second attack on the world trade center is, because liberals believe in the rule of law and that women are human beings that should have the full force of law as men get, and other evil liberal ideas!!!

This is greatly outlined in D'Souza's new book where he makes it clear that these Radical Liberal Ideas about law being law, explains why the Radical Islamicists were goaded into attacking america....

Mean While we learn the deeper troothierNeff:
And in my recent appearance on Comedy Central's "The Colbert Report," I had to fend off the insistent host. "But you agree with the Islamic radicals, don't you?" Stephen Colbert asked again and again.

He certainly did ask it a couple of times, and D'Souza evaded him before saying:
Colbert: You have the courage to say that right, that you agree with some of the things that these radical extremists are against in America?...Do you agree with that statement?

Dinesh D'Souza: I agree with it.

[ cf D'Souza D'Liar ]
I Mean check it out... Once again Orcinus has found another one of those mad Moments, where the WingNutBrigade is still trying to work out why exactly they hate america MORE AND MORE....

And of course, there can only be one cure for this, and we know that it is Bombing Canada to keep our America American.....

All Hail Great Leader!!! Because He Has Electrolytes, what plants want...

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