drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Things that simply suck

A 101st Airborne Division soldier pleaded guilty Thursday to murdering three detainees in Iraq last year, saying he went along with a plan to make it look like they were escaping.

Pfc. Corey R. Clagett, 21, was one of four soldiers from the division's 3rd Brigade "Rakkasans" who were accused in the detainees' deaths during a May 9 raid on the Muthana chemical complex in Samarra, about 60 miles north of Baghdad.

In an agreement with prosecutors, Clagett, of Moncks Corner, S.C., pleaded guilty to charges of murder, attempted murder, conspiracy to commit murder and conspiracy to obstruct justice. Prosecutors dropped a second obstruction charge and charges of disrespecting an officer and threatening.

[ cf Soldier admits murdering Iraqi detainees ]
remember when the 101st was considered and Elite Military Unit in the american military....

and not simply one more of those groups where folks go when they just have a need to randomly kill folks for no apparent good reason.
Tags: war

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