drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Got Unfunded Mandates???

The war in Iraq is not cheap: weekly spending of about $2 billion; monthly spending of about $8 billion, and going up, according to estimates. Overall, the war will easily end up costing $1 trillion, and maybe substantially more if President Bush decides to "surge" the forces this year.

The Pentagon received an "emergency" $70 billion for Iraq and anti-terrorist operations in October. Come February, the Bush administration is going to say it needs another $100 billion for this year alone.

In truth, we can't be sure of any of these numbers, since the Pentagon says it cannot tell us what the war has already cost, will not tell us what it might cost in the future and has ignored congressional requests and legislation asking for honest budgets, transparent reports on spending and projections of future costs.

Senators and representatives have had to rely on their own estimates to get some sense of the costs for the war. The Congressional Research Service estimates that Iraq has already cost about $380 billion, before the next "emergency" request, but confesses that in the absence of data from the Pentagon, it cannot be sure this is correct.

The Congressional Budget Office estimates that Iraq could cost another $400 billion or so between now and 2015, but it points out that this is the CBO's number, not the Pentagon's, and it depends on arbitrary projections of how many American forces will stay in Iraq. Previous CBO projections for the war have all been below actual costs.

[ cf Funding the Iraq war on the QT ]

One REALLY does have to wonder if any of those ProWarForSomeOneElse crowd will ever get around to apologizing for their Hatred Of Those Of Us Who SERVED in the US Military and therefore DEMANDED that the nation have an Unequivocal Declaration Of War, and the Prompt Transition into Selling War Bonds....

Or are these VOCHAS going to try out their new gambit of
Do NOT hold us responsible, How were we suppose to Know that anything could ever happen, it is not as if any one could have ever predicted or considered, or thought about such vastly complext Issuess...

Gosh kiddies, when was the Dollar running at $600 per OZ last time around...

Can YOU recall the name of the Unfunded War Like Project that was also a happy time when the VOCHAS were the great war heroes without actually being involved, because, well, gosh, they were more Anti-Anti-War than Thou!!! And their More Anti-Anti-War Than ThouNeff would have won the war were it not for the Liberals!!! You know, those Defeatist Cut and Runners, you know, like the folks with active duty time in county.....

Oh yeah, it was when there was that Cold War Thingie Pooh, and the desperate Emotional Need to keep that going so that the VOCHAS would not be held accountable, for their unwillingness to fund their Personal Pet Project that they personally were ACTIVELY AVOIDING BEING NEAR!!!!

Ah Yes... What if americans actually became aware of the Actual History Actual Americans Actually Lived, and not that Fun Filled History that it would have been so much funner for the Limbiots, DittoHeads, NeoCons, TheoCons, Horse Rustlers, Buggerers, and Persons who do not need no stinking Badges; Thought that their Great Leaders had always said it was the way it was suppose to have been.....

Ah yes....

Those fun filled days keep on coming around to rest....

What if the real issue here is simply one more failed and bankrupted corporation that Dubya is still convinced that daddy can sell off to some of the old family friends.... and in this case the Bankrupted Corporation is the United States Of America....

Well, yes, gosh, that is so going to impact the lives of the 24,000 WOUNDED GI's who were mistakenly believing that there was some sort of social contract between the civilian community and the Veterans Community..... But as we keep waking up to it, in this new post-911 world, that contract, like all of the rest, have been tossed on the fire to make more steam for the Reality Generating Engine that we all are suppose to believe is capable of creating brand new Realities as we go along...

Ah yes, and one really does have to wonder which side the VOCHAS are actually on in all of this....

Or would that DEMAND that they be able to conceptualize that True is not the Same As FALSE!!!!
Tags: war

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