It seems that many high tech solutions spaces have 'anomalies' and 'artifacts' of their technological Marvel, and that one needs to have additional side scan solution spaces, so that one can resolve whether it is a SERIOUS MONDO ZOMG!!!!!!! or it is in fact one more artifact....
So we have a lovely chat, and a lovely sharing time, and we end with my trading him one of my pet favorite little sharing moments about the amusements of 'artifacts' in 'remote sensing equipment' - except that in that tale rather than One Heart Attack we were looking at the question of MegaDeaths, either because we were going to start WWIII, because the WAS the sign of the Apocalypse, or worse, that we would write it off as an artifact, and miss that this was the Start of WWIII - one of those 'no pressure' moments, where one gets to 'call the ball', you know, Heroes always want the Football when the Game Is On The Line, and all of that Jocular Athleticism, about how the battle of waterloo was won on the playing fields of eton and harrows, except with Mutually Assurred Nuclear Deterance, and that Ah Shit set of moments if it had failed.
Needless to say, I better understood why the Cardiologist wanted to make sure that I understood that it was NOT that I had already had a heart Attack, it was merely a technical Artifact of the remote sensing equipment. He on the other hand, was not sure he fully appreaciated my efforts to be empathetic by sharing from my well spring of Hyper Death And Destruction...
Oh well, I guess some folks just do not work and kill well with Others....
And I hope that Goes Down On Their Permenant Record...