Oil producing countries have reduced exposure to the dollar to the lowest in two years and moved oil income to euros, yen and sterling, says the Bank for International Settlements.And DO NOT TELL ME that the Financial Times is not a Pinko Rag!!!! it comes out on pink paper, openly extolling it's God Hating America Bashing Pro-Irrationalist Advocacy of GAY MARRIAGES ONLY stand as a part of their brute force assault on our White Christian America!!!!
Data in the latest BIS quarterly review, published today, confirm market speculation about a move from dollars and could increase pressure on the US currency.
[ cf MojoWire: Let Us Now Gather On The Veranda... cites well known Pinko Publication ]
Can there be any doubt that the God Hating America Bashers have embarked upon a Demonic Onslaught of Darkness and Evil????