drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

God Calls In The SF Kultur War, or what the Radio Missed...

So there I was driving along, and the Red Communist Zionist Bolshiviki Islamo-Fascist Christianist Banking Konspirakii Backed Evil Liberal Media on KCBS were whining about the fact that not only was there rain in SF, but that it had broken some sewer pipes. WHINE, WHINE, WHINE goes the Evil Liberal Media Meat Puppets, and not one word about how this Was God Chiming In On The SF Kultur War, and how we must all oppose the Dark Evil of the Vicious Nancy Pelosi Controlled Demonic Voodoo Zombie Dust Bunnies Of Despair bent upon the destruction of our White Christian America!!!!

I mean, like dude, it was so Obvious!!!!

I mean we are how many weeks into the Gloom And Despair that the VOCHAS have run away and abandoned innocent BLONDE BLUE EYED White Christian Virgin Teenage americans to the very Brutal and Vicious Dark Evil of the Vicious Nancy Pelosi Controlled Demonic Voodoo Zombie Dust Bunnies Of Despair bent upon the destruction of our White Christian America!!!!

Oh The SHAME of it all!!! The Horror Of It All!!!!

And the Vicious Ikky Yukky Poohper Liberal Media Meat Puppets covering it all up....

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