drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Radical Left Wing Extremists Go Loopy In Oregon!!!!

"I, for one, am at the end of my rope when it comes to supporting a policy that has our soldiers patrolling the same streets in the same way, being blown up by the same bombs day after day. That is absurd. It may even be criminal," declared Sen. Gordon Smith (R-OR), a 10-year veteran of the Senate, in a speech last night.
[ cf GOP Senator: Iraq War "May Be Criminal" ]
Where Is the Love???

Where is the Willingness to support the President, A War President, to Support the Troops????

Do the fair folks of Oregon know that their Senator Is In League with SATAN!!!! and is becoming a Minion of The Evil Nancy Pelosi And Her Demonic Voodoo Zombie Dust Bunnies Of Despair that are Rampaging Through Our White Christian America on the Orders of The Iranian Flying Saucer Over Lords who have mandated ONLY GAY MARRIAGES for Gay HomoZeXual Zombie Cyborg Al-Qaeda Pirate Canadianists!!!!

All Hail Great Leader!!! At Least HE understands the Importance of Traditional Family Values in these Most Trying Times!!!!!

Are YOU doing your Part to Protect Oregonians whose Senator Is In League with SATAN!!!! and is becoming a Minion of The Evil Nancy Pelosi And Her Demonic Voodoo Zombie Dust Bunnies Of Despair that are Rampaging Through Our White Christian America on the Orders of The Iranian Flying Saucer Over Lords who have mandated ONLY GAY MARRIAGES for Gay HomoZeXual Zombie Cyborg Al-Qaeda Pirate Canadianists!!!!

Tags: gay, war, zombies

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