drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Got Falangists?

Yes Sir, Boys and Girls, that is the question. The wiki has a nice listing of them (here) so you might want to Get All HipHop Ready for tomorrow!!! Remember boys and girls, the 4th of November is the 70th Anniversary of the Fall of Madrid, as reported in the Evil Liberal Media that was still unable to get up off the couch and into the fight against Fascism.

Not that I mean to pick of the VOCHA for sitting on their faces or anything....

So Tomorrow, while you are doing the rest of your Life, and getting organized for your daily dosage of "All Hail Great Leader!!!!" why not pause and ponder what there is in life worth rememberinng on the 70th Anniversary of the Still No Fall Of Madrid Day!!!

All Hail Great Leader!!!! Because he is GRRREAT!!!
Tags: vochas, war

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