A researcher has come up with some simple math that sucks the life out of the vampire myth, proving that these highly popular creatures can't exist.Like as if anyone believes in the DANGEROUS CULT OF SCIENCE!!!
Efthimiou's debunking logic: On Jan 1, 1600, the human population was 536,870,911. If the first vampire came into existence that day and bit one person a month, there would have been two vampires by Feb. 1, 1600. A month later there would have been four, and so on. In just two-and-a-half years the original human population would all have become vampires with nobody left to feed on.
If mortality rates were taken into consideration, the population would disappear much faster. Even an unrealistically high reproduction rate couldn't counteract this effect.
"In the long run, humans cannot survive under these conditions, even if our population were doubling each month," Efthimiou said. "And doubling is clearly way beyond the human capacity of reproduction."
[ cf Vampires a Mathematical Impossibility, Scientist Says ]
And it's threat to our American Way of Life!!!
It is just shocking that these sort of Evil Doers are allowed to Question the very existence of the Holy Crusade Against the Zombies that are all over the Place, Everywhere Persecuting White Christian Americans with their Evil Unamericanism!!!
Stop the Evil Mad Scientist before they Stop YOU!!!
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All Hail Great Leader!!! For Great Leader Is Great!!!