I think you folks are missing the core issue here.
In 'geek culture' the ability to improvise, adapt, overcome are considered the same VIRTUES that Clint Eastwood sold in his USMC Force Recon Movie "Heart Break Ridge". So we have little problems with the central thesis of the scientific model.
Outside of Geek Culture - there is the general fear and paranoia.
Look back on the number of folks who openly blame 9/11 and Katrina on the Evil Lesbians who have brought down the wrath of GOD upon america....
On that side of the line it is not at all hard to step up to the plate and DEMAND that the evil doers in science be forced out, lest we find that they tolerate lesbianism and hence are the root cause of 9/11 and Katrina. So the effort is there to replace the scientific method with the general fear and loathing that does not get in the great white land shark and go to Vegas.
Those Folks have not been joking that they view this as a Kultur Kampf!
Why do you think that they have been selling the whole Package - the need to end science, the need to allow torture, the need to have a greater police state that will be allowed to detain anyone from anywhere as long as it will please their Wrathful God and prevent the next Katrina.
Some Americans may get nervous that I correlate Force Recon "best practices" with the core values of Geek Culture, but, well figure out the Delta and get back to me on why that should worry folks. So the really scary part is that the long term impact of the ASSAULT ON SCIENCE is that it will have a major NASTY IMPACT on the american armed forces.
So to put things in that not to polite way that I am Inclined to assert:
So Do YOU want to support the Troops?Or would that be considered 'impolite' in a time of deferring that tax burden onto the unborn, or What?
Or were you hoping that no one would notice that you decision to openly offer aid and comfort to the enemy in a time that you are stipulating is a time of war?