drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

does the cia Support the President to support the Troops?

A classified report issued last year by the Central Intelligence Agency's inspector general warned that interrogation procedures approved by the C.I.A. after the Sept. 11 attacks might violate some provisions of the international Convention Against Torture, current and former intelligence officials say.

The previously undisclosed findings from the report, which was completed in the spring of 2004, reflected deep unease within the C.I.A. about the interrogation procedures, the officials said. A list of 10 techniques authorized early in 2002 for use against terror suspects included one known as waterboarding, and went well beyond those authorized by the military for use on prisoners of war.

The convention, which was drafted by the United Nations, bans torture, which is defined as the infliction of "severe" physical or mental pain or suffering, and prohibits lesser abuses that fall short of torture if they are "cruel, inhuman or degrading." The United States is a signatory, but with some reservations set when it was ratified by the Senate in 1994.

[ cf PravdaOnTheHudson ]

So why exactly would the CIA turn on the President?

Don't they accept the Argument From Intelligent Design that DEMANDS the Divinity of Dubya?

Or are they merely afraid that they would be held in american secret torture centers overseas, if americans were to actually decide that american law was the law for americans? Or are they hoping that by complying with American Law that the worst that would happen is that they would be held in accordance with american law and allowed access to a defense counsel, and access to their accussors....

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