drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Got Headlines?

Hey Kids, looks like the Evil Main Stream Liberal Media Meat Puppets have finally joined the Full On Post Surrealist Community
With all the other problems piling up — soaring energy costs, the war in Iraq, tens of millions of Americans with no health-care insurance, skyrocketing federal debt — Republicans were bound to get a kick in the rear when the only bill they considered this week on the House floor was one to look out for the welfare of horses. Democrats stampeded to complain. "I'm concerned about horses, but I'm much much more concerned about the American people," snapped House Minority Whip Steny Hoyer. Others threatened to vote "ney" just to get in a pun.
[ cf Horse Slaughtering: The New Terrorism? ]
And Next Week,
Pink The New Mauve for the Fashion Concious
as they work through which should be the Fashion Choices when stepping up the Nation to National Terrorist ThreatCon Elmo.

Hey Kids, can we DO that Dadaist Approach To National Security!!!

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