drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Another Glorious Victory....

Pakistan has signed a landmark peace agreement with pro-Taleban militants near the Afghan border. The deal aims to end several years of often intense fighting inside Pakistan's semi-autonomous tribal area.

Senior military commanders and local militant leaders exchanged hugs and congratulations after signing the agreement in Miranshah, the main town in the North Waziristan tribal area.

The peace deal aims to end a long running conflict between government security forces and tribal groups inside the volatile region near the Afghan border.

Interior Minister Aftab Sherpao told reporters in the capital, Islamabad, that the process was initiated some time ago by Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf. He says that as a result of lengthy negotiations a ceasefire has been implemented in North Waziristan. He says the ultimate goal of the agreement is a lasting peace in the region.

Under the new accord, tribal leaders have agreed to expel foreign extremists in the area and help end cross-border attacks.

[ cf Pakistan Signs Peace Treaty With Pro-Taleban Militants ]
Now remind me again....

This isn't mere Kapitulationsist Appeasement by the Kut And Run Krowd who are not willing to fight valiantly onward to total victory over all of the Iranian Flying Saucers Everywhere....

Yes, I know, it would be RUDE to note that the Pro-Taliban Folks have been running their own unilateral cease fire in North Waziristan, so they clearly have not been under much pressure from the Pakistani Government, or the American Forces.

Which may help explain the president's current position that the USofA is sorta kinda saferIsh than at any other time of Pitching ThatWarThingusOfPooh about the whole Islamo-Fascism that will hopefully help define the national debate about why now more than ever All TRUE AMERICANS are voting FOR the Greatest Military Leader EVER!!!! Since to Vote AGAINST Dubya is to Vote FOR SATANISM and the Iranian Flying Saucers....

And we know where that would lead... Kapitulationsist Appeasement by the Kut And Run Krowd, and the Evil Return Of the Iranian Flying Saucers!!!!

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