After they handcuffed them, they shot them dead. Later, they struck the house with their planes. They wanted to hide the evidence. Even a 6-month-old infant was killed. Even the cows were killed, too," he said.Can there be any doubt that now more than ever Americans KNOW where the Beef Is!!!
[ cf TheMerkyNews: Furor grows over civilian deaths in Iraq ]
Yes, that is right - if bossy gives you any strange looks, those could be the Super Sekret Commands from Iranian Flying Saucers, and you just have to launch a pre-emptive Retaliatory Nuclear First Strike against any of the Potential Iranian Flying Saucer Cattle Before they Become Engourged in the Attrocities of their Flying SaucerIsms and start attacking EVERYONE EVERYWHERE!!!!!
Now More Than EVER all true Patriotic American Must DEMAND their own Personal Lady Finger Nuclear Explosive to Protect Themselves, and their loved one, from
The Cattle Of The Iranian Flying Saucers!!!Because YOU NEVER Know when those Zombie Kattle Might Come Back in
The Revenge Of The Zombie Cattle Of The Iranian Flying Saucers!!!which inevitably leads as we all know to
The Revenge Of The Gay HomoZexual Zombie Piracte Canadianists Cattle Of The Iranian Flying Saucers!!!Can there be any doubt that We MUST bomb Canada NOW!!!