drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Why Do So Many CongreeCritter Stab American Troops In The Back!!!

The GOP majority leader in the U.S. House of Representatives wants the Supreme Court to review a controversial FBI raid.

House Majority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, said Tuesday the Supreme Court will probably have to sort out the issues raised by the unprecedented FBI raid on the Rayburn Building office of Rep. William Jefferson, D-La.

"I've got to believe at the end of the day this is going to end up across the street at the Supreme Court," Boehner said. "I don't see anything short of it."

Boehner told reporters Tuesday that he supports the position of House Speaker Dennis Hastert, R-Ill., regarding the constitutional questions stirred up by the raid, CongressDaily reported.

"I, clearly, had serious concerns about what happened and whether people at the Justice Department have looked at the Constitution lately," Boehner said, adding that he was "throttling himself back" at the advice of his staff to temper his comments on the issue.

[ cf UPI: U.S. Supreme Court may consider FBI raid ]
Clearly these Left Wing Radical Extremists Anti-War God Hating America Bashers need to start asking themseleves why exactly DO they hate america and want the Iranian Flying Saucers to return and do what they did to america on 09/11/2001!!!

Don't These People Understand that in a Time of Tax Liability Transferrance Unto the Unborn the MOST important thing is More Tax Cuts!!!

The Next Most Important thing is Blind Loyalty to Great Leader And the Great Leader Directorate of State Security that is protecting america from these very same radical Extremists who are unwilling to accept that Congress has Authorised the President to Do What ever MUST be done to stop the Iranian Flying Saucers!!!

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