drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

What is the working economic theory now?

One of the scariest parts of The Instability of moderation is the apparent towel throwing by krugthulu. I say apparent, as I do not see him saying that we are actually out of working economic theories, merely that there is no pixie dust to spread on them that will make them both majikal and stable.

One of the unpleasant problems we face in the USofA today is that we do not really have a national currency, as it is working currently also as the global reserve currency. As such there is no simple return to the simple economic realism. The icelandic were able to do two things, one of which was leave the private investors to taking the haircut for their failed investments, and devaluing their currency. Unlike the Irish, who are currently facing the failure of their austerity measures that were not designed to solve the problem of taking on the debt of those bankers who invested frivolously in Ireland.

Unfortunately in ideological land, there is no longer a willingness to notice that the pop-cult faves of TeaTardia simply show that none of them can see reality from Sarah's Porch. Or are we suppose to now majikally buy into some new qool and hip instance of Alternative Economics, and that there really is some new qool and hip Comparative Alternative Integrative NumerologyLikeRelatedActivities which will provide some way to sound like we are talking about economics, but without getting bogged down in the unpleasant technical bits.

It is so clearly a tragedy that we have arrived at a place and time when the whole intent of the GOP is to be the party that keeps crashing government for no apparent reason. Other than their commitment to mere ideological purity. It was one thing to watch the Post-Marxianists work on the problems of how to get an actual marxianist system up and running, without the deviationalism into mere Stalinism or Maoism. The tragedy of the 2007 crash and burn, made all the more comical by Alan Greenspan's Oopsie, when he noted that in spite of his irrational expectation that some how those in the shadow banking sector were going to be motivated by the correct implementation of the majikal constraints. We have seen no effort on the part of the formerly pro-capitalists to address any of the complications of the melt down and recovery.

It is that Stunning Silence of the Right that worries me the most.

It is comical and amusing to listen to them whine about how, well, gosh, it was never like Capitalism had ever really been tried! Or that the real problem is the moral hazard raised by the existence of governments. But unfortunately they have merely underscored the nasty parts of Imperialism, the highest state of Capitalism by V.I.Lenin in which we deal with the failure of the small business culture to survive the rise of monopolistic tactics, and far worse when those monopolists capture the government.

Which of course gets a bit amusing listening to the Holy Crusade against Socialism. Which seems to be the new hip-hop post-rational marker for 'they, them, those, the darkies, and liberals, and gays, and rationalists!' -Oh Me! Oh My! people who would drag us back into that dark night of mere reasoning. I mean do any of these so called 'conservatives' have any idea what it is that they pretend they are conserving? Do they have any idea of how farcical their self loathing of the National Socialist Movement sounds to anyone who has even taken half a glance at the actual history? Oh yes, why of course the economic oligarchy of germany married to a military elite, convinced that they were still in control of their former 'spy' who had been sent into to do analysis of the NSDAP? boy, that sure sounds like obama to me. yup. Who can forget that he was the spy, at what, 3 or 4 years of age who penetrated that set of radical left wing groups back in the sixties. Uh hello! Put the BONG DOWN! Ok, so if he was born in 1961, then of course, at ten years of age, being a trained, combat hardened spy for the NSA, is clearly not without any doubt! For ops in 1971. Yeah, who can forget how back in the day the USMC was taking in 6 year olds for combat duty and shipping them off to vietnam, and....

Hey, why not?

If we are not willing to look at the actual economic data that occurs in this time line in the mere last ten years, why should we be so vicious, and redSocialistCommunistIslamoFascist and impose upon history for merely fourty or fifty years ago a standard of 'evidence based history' that might cause conflict with say fact based history?

So please, can we dispense with the "Churchill Is Hitler" mythos about how we map the non-existant past onto the current time line?

What if the truly UGLY part of the problem here is that we have the 'masters of the universe' and they are still in the same jobs, doing the same 'bust out'. { yes, I put quotes around that, as this is a new term for me, but kids these days? I mean what happened to traditional god given all american banking fraud? } Oh me, oh my! They have new names for the game, but it does not change the core underlying problem set.

Oh that is right, the TeaTardianista are no longer sure that they need to have a viable economic model. So they can run around chanting the slogans, "hands in the air with the other cunts..." - but that would mean they might want to followThe Police - Rehumanize Yourself... Or is that a core part of the problem we are looking at? Some have opted to be as vicious as if everyone around them were some sort of Nazi-Communist-Islamo-Cypto-THEM! Could it be that as victims of their evil liberal education, they never groked that Rules for Radicals was written by Saul Alinsky to be a community based solution space. NOT some sort of Drang nach Osten that would allow the draft bait to die fighting against the socialist menace, while they stayed home as the home guard. Whether interpreted through say Cold Mountain or The Bridge. Since, well, gosh kiddies, what if it was not all some sort of Militaristic ThingusOfPooh!

What if it was not about the War Stuff? What if it was about deciding if you were really going to WANT to know the difference between GlevalSnarkWeezelBark and GlevalSnarkWeezelBark securities. Since, well, clearly owning a senior tranche { I love the irony of word checkers, since, what is maybe some difference between a truncheon and a tranche? Should we be so unkind as to draw it out? } of the later means that one has the economic leverage and the almost as if it were cash, investment, that would be the new wave, or shall we be rude and say 'economic bubble'.

Look, I get it. It is really hard to understand that 'simple is not complex' is a very complex concept. Since it would require that one were able to differentiate 'simple is NOT notSimple' in a way that would allow one to make actual and real distinctions of merit.

Yes, I get it! The tragedy is that so many young americans were duped into voting for Obama, rather than?

Or is that a part of the scary moment for so many? That they can not recall that McCain had been the 'manchurian candidate' who ran against the radical left wing extremist 'Dubya' - back when folks were not aware that he would be bailing out the banks as some sort of red socialist? And therefore the true TeaTardianista was voting not for McCain, but for Sarah, because they believed that the True Believers would rise up and make Sarah the true Ruler?

But doesn't that myth lead us to the same place? That the assassin's bullet is the doctrine?

Oh dear me. That would mean that we are not really in a safe enough place to actually talk about actual economics, since we have not been able to secure enough 'liberated zones' for that economic model to even be able to be tried? No! Honest Injun, I can understand that. The notion of 'war economics' -- hey kids, you read your Bukharain, so of course you understand how this is something that must be done while the war is going on between... oopsie, the capitalist/imperialist ruling class, and the working class....

Oh dear, there clearly must be some sort of valid alternative to the HORROR of krugthulu?

Something that gives us all of that Big Hollywood Blockbuster War Film, and the economics that allows us to over look the HORRORS of red socialist Communist Hollywood's Kapra Korn of "Mr. Deeds goes to washington"?

Or is that really the dark fugally we will live with for the next two years -- as the Holy Guards of hiding in the rear, keep hoping that it will give them a chance at the big bucks, face off with the romantic organic types who are unwilling to criticize Obama for BLOWING IT!

As the UGLY compare and constrast moment here. Who can doubt the importance of Red Communist Disney film's Hate America Doggeral of Pollyana where Hate FeeDome himself persecuted americans with the myth that small town america was about more than the importance of defending the economic power elite? ( and you thot red communist disneyland was merely about it's Gay HomoZeXual Capital Gains taxes! ) OR is there more than one problem with the psuedo-cons and their craven support for the ruling elite? A craven support based upon their open willingness to abandon everything that once was the flower of americanism!

All f which leas us back to the dark question - what if there was a need for a valid economic model?

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