The fun is the allegation that the court ruled in favor of the home owner association that the flag pole did not comport with the local decorum... They did not actually come out and openly say that they too were aligning with the IslamicJihaudCouncilOfTheWhiteHouseUppit
The unstated part of the story is why all of the great proWarCrowd remains hiding in their bunkers hoping that no one will actually call them, and give them live ammunition and ask them to follow their rhetorical postures and liberate america from the Horrors of the Islamic Extremists!
Update: anyone following the fine print that he would be allowed to run up his american flag from a flag pole attached to the house, but that is not the point that is under argument. Makes one wonder what are the real issues here? Is is really about the flag? the pole? or the horror that the IslamicGayCyptoZionistBolshivikiBankingK