Ah yes, the happy warm reassuring thots or the soft gentle pitter patt of pre-emptive retaliatory nuclear first strike enhancement features...
The brief interlude of warm fuzzy.
Ah yes, the happy warm reassuring thots or the soft gentle pitter patt of pre-emptive retaliatory nuclear first strike enhancement features...
what? Perl is not dead?
Cultured Perl: Perl and the Amazon cloud, Part 1 - Learn the basics of Amazon's S3 and SimpleDB services by designing a simple photo-sharing site -…
Got ReOrg Boots
unNamed Evil Liberal sent http://dilbert.com/strips/comic/2009-09-20/ It is just wrong.
go after the big guys?
Crazy thot time folks: http://www.developeranalytics.com/2008_08_facebook_apps_making_more_money.php…
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