drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

links for 2009.09.20

Oh no, there they go: Can Condoms Save Us From Climate Change? -
The greenest technology available to us may not be solar panels, but instead contraception, according to a new report.
What if scriptures had said to take dominion over all of creation, and not to trash the place with excess....

Phrases folks should not use ( cf More Bang For The Buck )

Republicans help us understand that Obama is a Monkey? Roy Blunt (R-MO) Suggests Obama & Democrats Are Like Monkeys on a Golf Course - is this likee Monkey Whispering?

Yes, another ugly headline on health: Remember Those Zits You Had When You Were 15? No Health Insurance for You! Hey kids, why not solve the problem the old fashion way - we all dress up like we are able to call down the cargo planes, and then they will come and bring all of the majik and happy with them! It worked during the age of cargo cults. And on top of all of that, it is a faith based initiative.

Friends do not let friends do Chicago School: The Intellectual Bankruptcy of the Chicago School Infests St. Louis -or- The Huffington Post Needs a Better Quality Control Filter Rather Badly... - in which we learn that even the Huffies can do brain death.

Well another interesting site with strangeness in political analysis: Et tu, Mr. Destructo? - I may have to check it out as it goes forward.
== This may not be the real world, but it was what I found at the time. ==

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