An end to rate hikes is near...and that could be a bad thing for bulls.What sort of Pro-Terrorist Clique could make such Terrorist Threats against the stock market as to suggest that the Market has ever done anything but get better and better ever day in some new way with all of the greatness and glory and wonder that comes from all of the Permenant Tax Cuts that will Always help sustain the job creation prospects so that the Ever Glorious And Ever Victorious Greatest Military Leader EVER!!! will always be the living burst of Sun Shine that comes from The Fulfillment of the Divine Mandate Passed Down From The Heavens to Great Leader!!! THE defender of the Faith! The Arbitor of All Doctrinal Disputes, The True Decider Of All Dictum and Dictates!!! The Most Exalted of all that the Divine Beings Have Given US!!!
Bets that the Federal Reserve's 22-month rate-hiking campaign is nearing an end has helped support market sentiment and lift stocks this year. It's been a catalyst even as the bull market deals with a string of negatives: old age, slowing earnings growth, oil and gold prices near record highs, and the threat of a slowing housing market.
"The market is really looking forward to rate hikes being done," said Jeff Kleintop, chief investment strategist at PNC Advisors. "We typically get a 3 percent bounce in the six weeks ahead of the last hike."
But the stock market often gets little benefit six or 12 months down the line, according to recent studies from research firms, including Ned Davis Research (see chart for details).
[ cf End to rate hikes could end rally ]
So if the Decider has decided that there will be no more rate hikes, then clearly the Market MUST EXTOL THE BRILLIANCE!!!! The Markets Must all rally and chant the holy chant of
If the Blue Dress Does Not Fit!!!For lo, anything else will bring the EVIL of the Iranian Flying Saucers and their Gay HomoZeXual Zombie Cyborg Canadianist Pirates unto the Sheep Of the Market that Have come to be Sheered by the Great Shepard!!! The True Manifestation of the Invisible Hand of the Free Market System that is the sole safety net, and the victor of the Cold War, and will always be the True Defeator of All Things Dark And Gloomy...
Then You Must Acquit!!!