His "lame excuse"? Sestak was an admiral, and the military should be an apolitical organization, at least in functioning democracies. That Specter -- the sleaziest political opportunist in the entire US Senate (a mighty accomplishment, given the bunch that inhabit that place) -- would deign insult a real Democrat for not politicizing his military service is beyond the pale.WHAT???
[ cf The KING of All Hypocritical Statements ]
The military should be apolitical????
Where DO they come up with these crazy ideas!!!!
What next? civilian votes should count the same as real military votes???? And that some how we should be giving special privileges to civilians???
I mean, do we really want to allow civilians to Marry? What next? Dogs and Cats and Civilians! OH MY!!!
{ remember, it is the framing that makes the art artistic!!! }