drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Getting Our Male On...

I must pull these totally back into the flow of history, Saturday, November 08, 2008 -- WHERE ARE THEY NOW? offers an useful insight into the very strange Nov 4th, 2003 -- The Pussification Of The Western Male.

It really makes me wonder a bit about the problems with 'machismo' stuff.

One interesting side bar is a position, which is news to me, that the Peak Oil is also in this space. That there are people in the 'peak oil' space, who are in many respects offering us the
This is what you get for allowing girls to emasculate You.
Which reminds me of all those butch boys who would collect rocks so that they could sleep on them, and prove they were macho.

Unlike the freaks from the military culture who kept teaching about how to get a nice comfy night of sleep...

Given that I am new to the Peak Oil crowd, I did look up James Howard Kunstler's books one of which is The Long Emergency, which I may need to get on my list. Unless this is one of the evil ones.
Tags: economics, memewar

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