drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

The TeaBaggers are brown bagging again?

It is interesting that as a nation we have become so totally disconnected both from history, but also from how we actually fund various things, like government....

And would this be a bad time to ask about Seven in military become citizens on Liberty Island - since that would mean that the american military has these NonAmericans defending the TeaBaggers... Since, clearly TeaBaggers have to be americans, who are all....

How is it that the nation has to be defended by NON-AMERICANS???? Weren't the teabaggers willing to give their all in a time of transferring the tax liabilities unto the unborn baby UBU?

Or is this just more of the same failed space - where the disconnection is just the part of the whole theatricality of it all????

Would public education even be useful in this nation??? Or is it like all the rest, best provided by the majik of the rational expectations of the market...
Tags: memewar, republican_pron

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