drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Those Scary Movie Moments

On the One hand we have:
 "Scary Movie 4" earned 41 million U.S. dollars in the three days beginning April 14, setting a new record for the Easter weekend, according to studio estimates issued on Sunday.

It was the best Easter weekend debut ever, beating the 30.1-million-dollar opening of "Panic Room" in 2002."

[ cf XinHuaNet: Spoof "Scary Movie 4" tops N. American box office for Easter weekend ]
While there is the current Crisis of
Supporters rallied around Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld yesterday, saying he is being made a scapegoat for the difficult situation in Iraq by retired generals who have called for his removal.

In comments that echoed a Pentagon memo circulated to Rumsfeld's supporters, retired General Richard B. Myers, the former chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and key Republican members of Congress insisted that Rumsfeld's critics were wrong to blame the military chief for problems in Iraq.

More Democrats also joined the fray, asserting that the defense secretary had planned poorly and had led with arrogance, and that the combination has been largely to blame for the failure to stabilize Iraq. They said it is time for change at the Pentagon.
Myers said officials were wrong to fault retired General Eric K. Shinseki, former Army chief of staff, for telling a Senate committee in 2003 that several hundred thousand troops might be needed to secure Iraq after the invasion. He said Shinseki, who was later replaced as chief, was pressed to give an estimate and was not committed to that figure.
Senator George Allen of Virginia, a likely Republican presidential contender, sharply disagreed. He said that Rumsfeld had been a victim of ''scapegoating" by Bush's political enemies, and that changing the defense secretary would not solve the problems in Iraq.
''In the event that you switch the secretary of defense, what difference would that make?" Allen said. ''Would that mean anything to the terrorists? Would that mean anything insofar as the training of Iraqis . . .? A lot of this focus on an individual is a way of maybe criticizing the president."
The questions about Rumsfeld's stewardship of the Pentagon have arisen amid a surge of sectarian violence in Iraq, and amid talk of a possible military strike against suspected nuclear sites in Iran, raising the possibility of civil war in Iraq and a broadened Middle East conflict.
The continued fighting over Rumsfeld and Iraq also suggested that President Bush's declaration on Friday that the defense secretary had his ''full support" was not enough to quash the controversy.

[ cf BostonGlobe: Rumsfeld gets more backing over Iraq
Some in military, GOP see him as a scapegoat
But If Rumsfeld is the 'scape goat' for ThatIraqiThingiePoo, then who should actually be held responsible for accidentally inserting troops into Iraq to restore the Wetland when we have always been at war with Iran!!!

And we must rally to the Greatest Military Leader EVER!!! rather than bouncing up and down like a collection of Scream Queen Paradies attempting to frighten away the evil Scape Goat who scares us, when we must find our Most Glorious and Victorious of All Total Victories of the Flying Saucers by crushing the Evil Doers in Iran!!!

Can Americans REALLY get out of their Panic Room Moment and Fully, and Patriotically Embrace the Horror Of Scary Movie!!!

The Real Scary Movie!!!! Not the Scary Moviet with Annie Farris Playing the Brain Addled God Hating America Bashing Draft Dodging Bush Bashing Evil Doing Evil Doer who would embark upon a Policy of Kapitualtionist Appeasement Defeatism by advocating Scape Goating Rumsfeld!!! But the True! Holy! and ONLY!!! Scary Movie where the President steps out from behind the Scape Goats and Takes Command!!!! The Greatest Military Leader EVER! Arresting these Evil Anti-State Terrorist, like
Senator George Allen of Virginia, a likely Republican presidential contender
for their efforts to offer aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of transferring the Tax Burden Unto The Unborn!!! by suggestintg that the Greatest Military Leader EVER!!! would abandon the Holy Crusade Against All Evil Doers Every Where!!!

Yes America, Come Out Of Your Panic Rooms and scream at the Top of Your Voice that You are Mad As Hell, and are not going to take these Dangerous Satanic Cult Ritualists like
Senator George Allen of Virginia, a likely Republican presidential contender
offering aid and comfort to the enemy in a time of transferring the Tax Burden Unto The Unborn!!!

And that you are willing to Network a Solution!!! Reminding All Americans
If the Blue Dress Does Not Fit!!!!
You Must Acquite!!!
Since Only by embracing the Horror of Winning the Winnable Nuclear Wars to Come can americans embrace the freedom to come out of their Panic Rooms!!!

Anything Less And The Terrorist WIN!!!

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