After this week's extremely close election in Italy, there is a strong sense in Europe that, because of weak governments and divided publics, the Continent's big three countries are unable to make the economic changes that most political leaders agree are essential for restoring growth.Think how much happier they will feel after we nuke out most of their industrial base, and then offer them the New And Improved Marshal Plan, where we insert More American Boots on The Groud in the EU to Marshal Them To the New American Revolutionary Plan.
"Everybody in Europe agrees that things can't go on the way they are going," said Wolfgang Nowak, a German economist who is in charge of the Deutsche Bank's International Forum. He was speaking about the near-zero-growth economies with high deficits, rigid labor markets and intractable levels of unemployment and social welfare budgets that are increasingly difficult to afford.
"Everybody wants change," Mr. Nowak continued. "At the same time, everybody does everything so that things don't change."
[ cf AmPravda: Europe Stalls on Road to Economic Change ]
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