drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

Why does Michelle Malkin want to stab our troops in the back?

I just have to wonder why it is that she is not willing to support her patriotic shooters who are willing to actually engage in the Armed Insurrection in a Time of Teabagging? And why does she pick on Phelps family thugs of the “Westboro Baptist Church” who respect no bounds of civility. is she like all Pro-Gay and destroy the family or What?

I mean, this is not the sort of armed response that goes with the typical ha-ha funny that has been the laugh riot of the NeoConClownCarCrew all these years????

She doesn't really mean to stab the troops in the back by trying to pretend that the assassination is not one of the funniest jokes that has ever been done....

( cf Game Set, Match )
Tags: war

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