drieuxster (drieuxster) wrote,

More Reasons Why The Evil Wicked nanciiPelosii Must resign...

The average family with health insurance in 2008 paid a "hidden health tax" of $1,017 to cover the health-care costs of the uninsured, according to a report released Thursday by advocacy group Families USA.

The report by the group, which promotes universal health insurance, found that a total of $42.7 billion in care for those without insurance was passed on to health insurers. The insurers, in turn, passed on the costs through higher premiums, the report said.

The report comes as Congress debates proposals to provide health-insurance coverage to all Americans -- a key part of President Barack Obama's legislative agenda. The report uses data primarily from consulting firm Milliman Inc.

[ cf Group Tallies Families' 'Hidden Health Tax' ]

Now the Godless America Haters are Outsourcing the taxing of americans to the private sectors!!!!

What next!!! They Will Nationalize the nationalization of privatization!!!!

Can there be any doubt that the trillions and trillions of dollars that will be needed to fund the thingusOfPooh, and winning against TerrorieyThingies, can only come by Privatizing the Naionalizing of the nationalization of privatization as a means to deregulate the reregulation of regulatory services!!!

Or Gays Will Be GAY!!!!

Thus nanciiPelosii is BAD, and a girl, and ikky yukky poohpers!!!!

{ ok, so maybe taking a break from technical discussions of isogamy has caused some side effects.... But I blame it on scimitar lobbing watery bints.... oh yes, we did that under the anisogamy break, and so it is clear that the reason that sexual reproduction was brought about was because of the Scary Influence of Red Hollywood... yeah, that's the correct interpretation of that science thingie.... }
Tags: economics

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